Lionel Lodge and Friends
Here Comes Jeffy!
Jeffy is the guitar player and backing vocalist on my album The Agitator, he also added some guitar and vocals to the album Human Heart, a great friend for many years, a full house of creative energy. He is coming over to Vienna for a visit and while here we are going to do a show at the wonderful Baumgarten Wohnzimmer in the 14th district. We are gathering a few of the Schragged Out Band members to make Jeffy feel welcome. The line up for the eve will be Jeffy B on Electric Guitar, Peter Beinhofer on Accordion, Franz Haselsteiner on Keyboard, Joe Shirl on Bass and Lionel on Acoustic Guitar, vocals all around.
Lionel im Web: www.lionellodge.ca - u.a. mit Bio und vielen Pressestimmen
facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lionellodgemusic
youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/lionellodge